Thursday 7 May 2015

WEEK 6 - DAY 4 - Graffiti and Portraits

WEEK 6 - DAY 4 - Graffiti and Portraits

A French artist by the name of JR has incorporated portraits and graffiti into an art project in the attempts to change perceptions. Watch the following Ted Talks.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why do you think JR choose to depict the street gang members and the Israeli and Palestinian workers with goofy face poses?

2. In the slums of Kenya and Brazil why do think JR chose women as his subject?


STEP 1: Take 3 self images with posed faces, all 3 using different perspectives (angles), when taking the photos keep in mind the message you included on day 1 slide - I AM A PERSON WHO...

STEP 2: Upload the 3 images to your laptop and open in Photoshop Element.

STEP 3: Using the skills and tools you learned this week HEALING TOOL (use PATTERN and SAMPLE), BRUSH and ELLIPTICAL MARQUEE create an image incorporating the 3 funny face images. All 3 images must be present in one photoshop file. See sample on Photography Folder.

STEP 4: Create a new slide show and include the 3 original photos on one slide and the 3, include the I AM A PERSON WHO message on your slide.

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