Monday 13 April 2015



Removing colour from a photograph or shooting a black and white can give the photograph the following affects:
-          Allow the eye to “read” black and white
-          Add drama and impact to a composition
-          Give a sense of timelessness
-          Simply the subject

Contrast in photographic composition focuses the viewer's attention to the center of interest. Positioning of subject elements to create contrast gives them added emphasis and directs the viewer's attention.

In black-and-white photography, contrast is the difference in subject tones from white-to-gray-to-black or from the lightest tone to the darkest tone. In color photography different colors can create contrast, that is another lesson.
HIGH and LOW CONTRAST: In black-and-white photography, high contrast (few mid-tones) conveys a hard edge and delivers a more severe message. Low contrast (mostly mid-tones) conveys a softer and gentler message.

Activity 1 WEEK 3 SLIDE SHOW: (see AWQ4M folder for sample)
Using 3 photographs you took on the Friday re-birth photoshoot. Focus on images with high tonal contrast. Include 1 image of tonal photography from the Internet.

STEP 1: Create a slide show and rename it WEEK 3 – TONE and CONTRAST. Create the Title slide with a tonal image you downloaded from the Internet.

STEP 2: Open the 3 images you selected from Friday’s photoshoot. Open them in Photoshop Elements.

STEP 3: IMAGE 1 - ADJUST COLOUR HIGH CONTRAST – Press [CNTL] U to adjust the HUE – SATURATION – LIGHTNESS  of your image until you have a high contrast photograph. Take a screen snapshot of the HUE Photoshop levels you changed. 
SKILL 1: Use Photoshop’s colour adjustment – CNTL U

STEP 4: SLIDE 2- Paste your HUE/SATURATION window snapshot into SLIDE 2 of your Week 3 slideshow. Make sure your snapshot includes the modified image. Insert the original image on the slide as well.

STEP 5: IMAGE 2 - ADJUST COLOUR LOW CONTRAST – Press [CNTL] U to adjust the HUE – SATURATION – LIGHTNESS  of your image until you have a low contrast photograph. Take a screen snapshot of the HUE Photoshop levels you changed.

STEP 6: SLIDE 3 - Paste your HUE/SATURATION window snapshot into SLIDE 3 of your Week 3 slideshow. Make sure your snapshot includes the modified image. Insert the original image on the slide as well.

STEP 7: IMAGE 3 - USE EFFECTS Panel to the right top of the page to create a high contrast image.

SKILL 2: Use “Effects” panel to modify image. Save image under a different name and put both images in SLIDE .

STEP 8: SLIDE 4 - Paste your USE EFFECTS modified image into slide 4, also include original image.

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