Sunday 26 April 2015

WEEK 5 - DAY 1 - Photographic Perspectives and Clone Stamping

WEEK 5 - DAY 1 - Photographic Perspectives and Clone Stamping

Using the images that were taken on Friday's photo shoot, perform the following activities.

LESSON:  An in class demonstration will be shown on how to use the clone stamp tool.

ACTIVITY 1: You are going to identify 4 different perspective images in the AWQ3M Week 5 folder.

STEP 1: Download your 4 chosen perspective images onto your laptop.

STEP 2: Create a slide show in your shared folder, include a title slide and your 4 perspective images, title each slide with the appropriate perspective descriptor.

ACTIVITY 2: You will be modifying your selected images using the clone stamping tool in Photoshop, you are going to remove at least 2 aspect of the each image.

STEP 1: Open your chosen image and using the MAGNIFIER, CLONE STAMP and POINTER tool you will be remove 2 aspects of your image.

STEP 2: Save your image using SAVE FOR WEB and upload it to your slide show on the appropriate slide. Include a description of what you removed on the slide.

EXEMPLAR: A sample of the slide show can be seen in AWQ3M folder.

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